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Undoubtedly, music has a very strong influence on our lives, which involves health, feelings and moods. In addition, it evokes several aspects of our lives whether or not it’s art.Music plays a crucial role in ways we tend to do things and even on aspects like what we choose to wear.The outcome music has on fashion has been apparent throughout history. However, currently with social media taking a major part in such a massive role in how things are seen and shared, its role of music has been altered dramatically.The fact is that fashion has continuously been used as the way for individual expression. Others additionally use it as a variety of art and a similar will be regarding music as well. For that reason, each of those are tangled and closely coupled together.

Looking back through history, music has continuously had a strong influencing factor on fashion and elegance. None is more evident than the 60’s style. Throughout the sixties, fashion and music were terribly closely connected. Each contend a large role in how each of them influenced the other. However, music commands a bigger role in which direction the style trade ultimately ended up going. The dominant theme throughout the 60s was peace and love. The hippie style consisted of bell bottom pants, flowers and vibrant colors. Artists throughout that era, used to be dressed in this fashion as well. In a way, the approach they dressed, what they wore, helped giving a shape to industry fashion. The music additionally became a part of the hippie movement.

One of the primary and intriguing fact is the strong and lasting effects of music fashion has on retail and advertising.

At present, Hip Hop and pop music genre have fully penetrated into our minds influencing and helping us determine the way thedress and carry ourselves. At a point, the massive saggy jeans and big gold chains were seen all over. These were made trendy by artists like Tupac, Eazy E and Notorious BIG. It had been so popular throughout these times that a lot of people within the fashion business began to envision simply how nice the influence of an artist or music, contend in fashion.

Influencers, actors and singers endlessly work for the advancement and expansion of fashion and its limits. If their style is followed by a great number of followers, it might help them being recognized globally, with offered support by eminent fashion labels like Gucci, Nike, Polo and Lacoste to name a few.

For years, art has created a commercial and style trade which is currently more intense than ever before. Generations of inspiration has ensured that fashion triumphs as an industry sector with measureless artistry that runs in music industry.

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