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How To Look Out for Interior Designing Internships

Before one can actually end up having their designs on an exclusive magazine, there is a lot of hard work that one needs to do. The best place to start acquiring experience in interior designing is by working as an interior designer intern. Just because most interns have to work for free doesn’t mean an established interior designer is ready to welcome any stranger who has basic information about interior designing. Actually be able to find an internship is not an easy task at all. Therefore, JD institute will share with you all the tips to get an internship in interior designing. Before sharing the tips, let’s first start off with what does an interior designer intern basically does. 

What does an interior designer intern do?

When it comes to an interior designing internship, interns are basically expected to perform certain tasks that would be responsible for giving the student immense experience in this field. An intern can perform support tasks while also gaining industry experience under the supervision of senior designers which is a major reason for doing an interior designing internship. A student doing internship can often participate in working on client’s design expectations, answering queries or preparing a presentation for the same. They may also be expected to prepare task reports, schedule meeting and create design proposals for the clients. Moreover, it is essential for an intern to adhere to the company’s guidelines and regulations.  

Why is An Interior Designing Internship Necessary? 

An interior design internship is necessary for an aspiring interior designer because it will acquaint them with technicalities, knowledge and skills involved in an interior designing career. An interior designer intern will work on various different roles which includes visiting vendors, answering emails, managing client meetings, learning to tailor designs, handling budget and many more. It’s an experience of a lifetime that will help you decide if you can do well as a full-time interior designer or not. 

What Are The Qualities Required in Order To Land On An Interior Designing Internship? 

Besides having a bachelor’s degree in interior designing, one also needs to have various different qualities that make them stand appropriate as an interior designing intern. 

  1. Artistic skills: Interior designers develop designs that not only look great but also match to the client’s taste and requirements. Therefore an interior designing intern must have a sense of style.  
  2. Creativity. Interior designers need to be creative enough in order to select and furnish fabrics that fit the client’s list of needs. It is very essential for an intern to imagine and create fabrics that reflect the client’s style.  
  3. Detail specific: Interior designers need to be precise in making measurements of the interior spaces so that the furniture can fit correctly. Therefore, it is necessary for an interior designer intern to learn the art of interior measurements perfectly.   
  4. Communication skills: Interior designers need to have good communication skills as they have to effectively communicate with the clients and others regarding the project. An interior designing intern also has to speak to the clients or other designers. Therefore, it is essential for them to have good communication skills.  
  5. Problem-solving skills: Interior designers should be able to resolve any issue that has taken place during a project. They must be able to address all the challenges that come their way while doing a project.  
  6. Visual skills: Interior designers need to have a strong sense of visual awareness, proportion and interior environment. It is essential for an interior designing intern to be able to understand how designing works and how to go about it.  

Basic Tips To Get An Internship in Interior Designing

  1. Try to dig deep: Whether you are new to the interior design business or is looking to make an in it, you should be able to do some self-reflection on your skills and qualities. You need to be able to introspect your design preferences and career choices. By reflecting on your own, you would be able to decide what can be your next move. This exercise of digging deep is essential for you to understand where you would fit well. 
  1. Do your homework: Once you’ve gotten to know about your preferences, you land for an interview. Having known the firm it’s essential for you to have in-depth knowledge about their firm and what they specialize on. If you are someone who specializes in designing multifamily housing then there is no point of interviewing for a retail designing company. 
  2. Consider gaining a design degree: Though the design industry has tremendously grown in the past years, yet many creative professionals still see the benefits of having a traditional degree in interior designing. Many design professionals acknowledge the qualities more than just a degree and therefore it is essential for you to have both in order to end up having an interior designing internship.  
  3. Build a network: A design degree alone is not enough for you to get a job or an internship, one really needs to work on their networking if they want to set up a career. Take initiatives in order to develop networks during lectures, exhibitions, workshops or mentorship programmes. This may help you in broadening your network and building your chances of getting an interior designing internship.  
  4. Do your best: No matter what, try to be consistent in your work. Never stop being creative with your skills. The best way to showcase your efficiency is through a portfolio of your work. Try to have a social media presence. Firms often end up scrolling through social media for finding interior designing interns. 
  5. Communicate effectively: Not only creativity but also having proper communication skills is a must in acquiring a career in interior designing. The intern has to effectively communicate with the clients regarding their needs and wants. It is essential for them to communicate ideas clearly. Therefore, be sure of being extremely efficient in communicating your design ideas. 

Be very precise about gaining an interior design degree by doing an interior designing course from a renowned institute. Also, don’t forget to follow these tips we just shared with you if you want to land on an interior designing internship.

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