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What Is The Scope Of Fashion Communication in India

Fashion communication is a budding field that emerged with the advent of technology and social media. This holds a lot of scope for people who are aspiring to have a global reach through their fashion. Apart from this, you can engage with a lot of audience irrespective of their location, so there is unlimited mobility as well. However, there are certain things that need to be considered before you get started with your career. 

Area of interest 

Before you even get started with the course or delve into that area, you need to identify your interest. This can be done in many ways. For starters, you can interrogate yourself and then decide whether you still want to venture into this industry or not.

  1. What areas of the fashion industry that interest you?
  2. What all have you explored till now?
  3. Where do you see yourself after college?

These are some concrete questions that will solidify your decision for opting fashion communication. Once you’ve got all the affirmative answers, you can move on with the subject of the course of fashion communication. 


The course has been structured in a way so as to equip one with all the relevant knowledge and skills. You will be taught about the following things.

  1. Visual retail
  2. Social media management
  3. Photography
  4. Styling
  5. Public relation

And so on. This is just an overview of the course in a nutshell. Apart from this, you will be provided with the practical exams too to solidify your knowledge. 


Many colleges in India and abroad offer courses in fashion communication. The admission criteria for all colleges are different. 

The exam tests your creative skills, coupled with your quantitative knowledge. Apart from this, other criteria include the following.

  1. You must’ve passed the 12th standard from a recognized board. 
  2. You have passed in all the subjects.

If the college has its entrance exam, then you should meet the threshold. 

How to select a college?

It is not a big task if you have set definite criteria for selecting a college. However, if you do not have one, there are few criteria for your kind perusal. 

  1. The rank of the college: The rank of the college demonstrates the overall performance of the college. Ensure that you pay close attention to the rank.
  2. The placement cell: Ensure that your desired college has an active placement cell. This is to ensure that you get a good placement after your college. 
  3. The fee structure: The fee structure differs from college to college. Ensure that you look at the fee structure and then decide on a college depending upon your paying capacity. Some colleges even offer a scholarship to their students, so ensure that you read all the guidelines carefully. 
  4. The faculty member: Ensure that you do a little research on your professor’s qualification. 

Fashion communication in India

If we talk about the scope of fashion communication in India, then it holds various opportunities for the people. You  can

  1. Either enter the fashion industry and work under someone.
  2. Or start your own venture and work at your own pace. 

In both cases, you will be required to form a good portfolio for yourself. Here are a few tips to construct a good portfolio. 

  1. Include a personal statement at the very start of the portfolio. This must demonstrate your self-introduction and your interest in brief. 
  2. Include your qualifications. Ensure that you are careful with this. 
  3. Include your work experiences as well. 
  4. Your hobbies and other interests apart from academics. 

Make sure that you put the correct details. With regard to the work experience,  ensure that you know all about the work experience you have mentioned in your portfolio. You do not necessarily have to have a lot of work experience but the quality work experience matters. Also, list at least three to five soft skills; this will give you an edge over other candidates. 

Scope in other countries

The scope for fashion communication is not just limited to India but extends to other nations as well. You can start your venture in any part of the world. Additionally, you can world under anyone and anywhere. You can even opt to study further if you intend to do so.

Fashion is dynamic and flexible and keeps on changing from time to time. The thing that is required of you is to update yourself with the latest trends and technology. Learn the necessary skills of social media and how to engage with your audience effectively. 

There are a plethora of nuances involved in social media marketing. But if you make excellent use of this platform, you can end up making fortunes. Another benefit of this is, you are not necessarily required to share the roof with the other people. The work can be carried out from anywhere, thus ensuring mobility.

Social media has the power to engage with a lot of people and have one-on-one conversations with them; you can procure their feedback directly. Additionally, you can even hire social media influencers to promote your brand. This will have a great impact on your brand. 

Notwithstanding, it gives you the power to observe other brands’ styles and then make changes to you if you feel the need. You need to curate your website according to the taste of your targeted audience. This has to be done with precision to lure your audience. Plus, you get better connectivity on social media and 


This was all about the scope of fashion communication in India and its proponents. Make sure that you follow all the steps before you start with your career. Also, engage with a lot of people during the course of your journey; this will equip you with a lot of experience and skills. Learn the tactics of social media and make the best use of it. Share your thoughts, opinions in the comment section below.

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