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Usage Of Stones In Interiors! A Webinar On Creating Masterful Spaces

Our students on 5th February got a glimpse into the art of interior designing with our notable speaker, Mr. Vishwa Raman Sachdeva. JD Institute Of Fashion Technology organized a seminar stressing the usage of stones in interior projects. The webinar that took place on our online platform saw participants from all over our campuses. Jediiians gained in-depth knowledge of the field of interior designing with our renowned speaker.

Mr. Vishwa Raman Sachdeva is an art Architect from the University of Kent, UK, and a business designer from Domus Academy, Milano, Italy. His company, Savitri India Stones has a legacy of 35 years and has been a manufacturer and exporter of natural stone from India around the world. Mr. Sachdeva thrives on innovating new products, strategies in all the fields of this stone division. He also leads the in-house architectural team to provide the best to its clients. His knowledge helps in providing aesthetically pleasing design solutions to his clients and also one-stop solutions from designing, sourcing stone to execution.

The company deals in all types of stones queried in India. The vast resources present in the country and the geographical benefit of the sub-continent have resulted in India having a product of varied stone types. Savitri India Stones has a motto of providing best-of-class Indian natural stones at a competitive price throughout the world. Their project portfolio ranges throughout the world. To name a few, the Indian Embassy in Berlin, Germany; the Queen of Sheba Hilton hotel, Eilat, Israel; Israeli Embassy, Delhi; Palais de Toulon Promenade, France; Pixar Headquarters, USA, Medanta, Gurgaon, India; Hyatt Hotel, Dharamshala, India.

This session gave the Jediiians a thorough knowledge of the stones. Our speaker explained various types of stones i.e., ignite, sedimentary and metamorphic and he went on to explain the process of carving, the painting techniques, etc. The webinar proved to be fruitful for the interior design students as Mr. Sachdeva’s unmatched expertise in the field gave them much-needed insight. This exceptional webinar taught the students about the vast resources present in India. He stressed the importance of going local and relying on our own products rather than importing the stones.

Concluding this informative session was an interactive question and answer round between the students and the speaker. Our students asked Mr. Sachdeva about the diverse aspects of stone mining and other details about the prices of various types of stones. Towards the end of the webinar, our Corporate Manager who was the host of the session asked the participants for a group picture i,e., a screen capture in today’s virtual world.

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