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Empowering our Fashion Design Jediiians with Real-World Experience at The Glitter Exports

As part of their continuous effort to bridge theoretical knowledge with practical experience, the JD Institute of Fashion Technology recently organised an insightful visit to The Glitter Exports, a premier apparel and accessories manufacturing and exporting unit in India. This visit, designed for undergraduate students from the Fashion Design programme, was conducted as part of their Fashion Merchandising Management and Apparel Manufacturing & Production modules. By stepping into the world of export operations, students gained valuable, real-world exposure to the inner workings of a high-functioning manufacturing unit.

A Leading Manufacturing Centre: The Glitter Exports

Glitter Exports is a well-known name in the global fashion industry. With state-of-the-art facilities and a fully in-house setup for manufacturing and embroidery, this apparel and accessories manufacturing unit caters to over 30 countries. Their clientele includes wholesalers, offline retail stores, and online platforms, making The Glitter Exports a trusted partner in the international fashion business. Known for its high-quality craftsmanship and ability to bring creative visions to life, the company specialises in producing customised products tailored to their clients’ specifications. 

Experiential Learning Outside the Classroom

The key objective of the visit was to provide students with a thorough understanding of the operations of export businesses. It provided students with a distinctive opportunity to witness the combined efforts of multiple departments, including marketing, merchandising, sampling, production, and quality control. This comprehensive exposure enabled students to better understand the dynamics of textile manufacturing and the precise processes that guarantee prompt and high-quality deliveries to international customer base.

Understanding the Primary Departments

During the visit, students got the opportunity to engage with professionals from all departments at The Glitter Exports. The organised tour offered insights into:


The marketing department is crucial in identifying target markets, analysing trends, and maintaining client relationships. Students observed how marketing strategies are developed to meet the needs of international clients and how these strategies directly influence product design and production.


Merchandisers serve as mediators between clients and the production crew. They guarantee that designs align with client requirements while upholding quality and cost efficiency. Students observed directly how merchandising choices influence all aspects, from fabric selection to the execution of the final product.


The sampling section is essential in transforming design thoughts into practical samples. By comprehending customer demands, the team develops prototypes that embody the brand’s vision and creativity. Students noted the rigorous development and refinement of each sample prior to its approval for manufacturing.


The production area is the core of any industrial facility. The Glitter Exports utilises innovative machinery to guarantee smooth and simplified operations. The students observed the several phases of garment production, including cutting, stitching, embroidery, and finishing, acquiring knowledge on the management of large-scale production while upholding quality standards.

Connecting with Industry Experts

The visit’s focus was the engagement between the students and the industry professionals at The Glitter Exports. The students, enthusiastic to obtain knowledge, asked insightful questions on export operations, obstacles encountered in the worldwide market, and the future of garment manufacturing. The team at The Glitter Exports was both accommodating and eager to impart their knowledge, offering comprehensive responses to each inquiry. 

Their readiness to interact with the students emphasised the practical skills and concepts the students had been learning in the classroom. This encounter enhanced the students’ understanding of how different business components collaborate to achieve harmony.

Closing Reflections on an Inspiring Experience

The visit to The Glitter Exports was an invaluable experience for the students, equipping them with practical knowledge that will surely assist them in advancing their fashion design careers. Through the observation of advanced manufacturing methodologies and interaction with industry specialists, the students acquired a comprehensive understanding of the operational dynamics of an export house and its significant contribution to the global fashion sector.
This hands-on educational opportunity highlights the JD Institute’s dedication to equipping its students with practical exposure, guaranteeing their readiness for the industry upon graduation. Such experiences enable students to refine their technical skills while simultaneously cultivating a deeper comprehension of the fashion industry’s worldwide dynamics.

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